Contact Details
- 01789 713233
St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith's Road, Alcester, B49 6AG
The Arden Forest C of E MAT started the new academic year with an amazing training day. We had staff from across the MAT joining together for a variety of training. Our PE Leads met and learnt how to engage pupils in PE through activities such as boccia, archery and tchoukball! All of our admin teams got to meet in person for training, but also to share ideas with their peers. There was also training for staff on Autism, positive play for our Midday Supervisors and even First Aid. A great example of our collaborative approach.
The Arden Forest C of E Multi Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 08248830 Registered Office: St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith’s Road, Alcester, B49 6AG
St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith's Road, Alcester, B49 6AG