Contact Details
- 01789 713233
St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith's Road, Alcester, B49 6AG
"Being part of the Arden Forest MAT has added a valuable dimension to the growth and development of our school. The opportunity to draw upon the expertise of the executive team and liaise with other heads across our sister schools has enabled greater clarity for strategic planning. We have been able to circumvent the isolation that can come with being a small school: subject leaders have the benefit of sharing initiatives through termly leadership meetings and class teachers are able to spend time in classrooms across the MAT, observing and sharing best practice. The opportunity for shared CPD and improved purchasing power for resources is also an important benefit. As a result, our pupils have access to informed pedagogy and can benefit from opportunities that are often only the reserve of larger settings, including planning for sporting fixtures with across the MAT." - Head
"Arden Forest Multi Academy Trust have been endlessly supportive of my journey, giving chances for personal growth as well as guidance and care; I can honestly say I love my job and look forward to coming to work every day, No two days are the same! I am always proud to tell people that I work at Henley in Arden Primary School. I have been supported to grow and develop both professional and personally. I cannot wait to continue this journey around a fantastic group of staff and students. I am excited to see where our growth and collaboration as a Trust takes us next." - Office Manager
"Joining the Arden Forest MAT, as an Early Career Teacher, has provided an extra sense of community by enabling me to communicate and engage with other ECT’s within the trust. We have been able to share our experiences across a variety of settings and offer support and guidance to one another when needed. It is also beneficial to see another friendly face from the Trust when at our local and regional training events." - ECT
"As a teacher in a one-form entry school who was new to role as an English lead, collaborating with other schools in the MAT has been very valuable. I have been able to work alongside an experienced lead in another school and I have benefitted from the advice and support of other leads from a range of schools in the MAT. I know my colleagues have also valued the opportunities we have had to moderate and meet with staff from other schools in the Trust similar to our own." - English Lead
"As a Thrive licensed practitioner working full-time nurturing and supporting children from Early years through to year 6, with their emotional development, it has been very beneficial to feel connected to other practitioners within the Arden Forest MAT. During our THRIVE network meetings we all regularly share our knowledge, ideas and new training concepts whilst fully supporting each other and valuing the work we do. I have been encouraged to grow and develop gaining an additional license as a family Thrive practitioner. I am looking forward to seeing how we can grow connections between our MAT, all of the children, their families and the broader community." - Thrive Practitioner
The Arden Forest C of E Multi Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 08248830 Registered Office: St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith’s Road, Alcester, B49 6AG
St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith's Road, Alcester, B49 6AG