Contact Details
- 01789 713233
St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith's Road, Alcester, B49 6AG
The Thrive approach aims to help children and young people become more emotionally resilient and better placed to engage with life and learning. Thrive helps children and young people feel safe, supported and ready to learn. This is done through a whole-school approach to wellbeing that is adopted across our schools with the support of our Thrive Practitioners. Our Thrive Practitioners work directly to support colleagues, parents, children and families who may need additional guidance or wish to learn more about the Thrive Approach and its practical everyday application to family life.
Across the MAT we use the Thrive approach to support the emotional development and wellbeing of all children in our care to equip them with skills and strategies they can carry throughout their lives. It can make learning more accessible, more effective and more fun. It is used for all our children at an age appropriate level and those who need extra support with strong sensations, coping with emotions and life events.
The Arden Forest C of E Multi Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 08248830 Registered Office: St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith’s Road, Alcester, B49 6AG
St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith's Road, Alcester, B49 6AG