Contact Details
- 01789 713233
St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith's Road, Alcester, B49 6AG
Improvement Planning
We have a shared collaborative approach to school improvement planning using an agreed framework:
Self Evaluation Form (SEF) and School Improvement Plan (SIP) Templates.
Leadership support with SEF and SIP writing and review
Teaching and Learning reviews facilitated by consultants and/or MAT’s Executive Leadership.
Termly School Effectiveness reviews to monitor and challenge progress against the SIP and facilitate effective support. This feeds into the School Categorisation Process.
School to School Support
Schools work together both formally and informally to support leadership at all levels.
Experts from within the Trust are deployed to support teachers and leaders (e.g. Maths, SEN, Assessment).
Leadership Capacity meetings for Maths, English, SENDCo, EYFS, ECT, Science, Thrive, Attendance Leads, DSLs and Curriculum leads to share research based best practice, and identify support.
Staff Development
Consistent MAT appraisal process informed by each school’s SIP (e.g. Success criteria from the SIP informs success criteria for staff appraisals).
Talent Management- Opportunities to develop and progress staff and therefore retain staff across the MAT through analysis of expertise.
Leadership opportunities across the MAT e.g. SENCo – particular advantage for the smaller schools.
Peer to Peer support – pairing up teachers across the schools.
Support to complete professional qualifications: NPQLTD, NPQTL, NPQBC, NQPSL, NQPH, NPQEH.
Curriculum & Assessment
Centralised data system supports teacher work load and allows the trust to identify priorities (from individuals, whole school to MAT-wide)
Collaborative opportunities for curriculum enrichment
Facilitate learning opportunities to inspire and motivate children to learn by contextualising the learning through ‘real’ life opportunities.
MAT moderation opportunities support schools with identified priorities.
Leadership and Governance
Weekly headteacher meetings to support workload and wellbeing.
Governor support and training delivered by MAT professions and external organisations
Leadership and Governor guidance document supports statutory obligations, priorities and strategic planning
Support in recruiting governors to fill identified skills gaps and add value to the work of the Governing Body.
Termly Chairs meeting to collaborate on key issues, network and share practice.
Ethos and Values
Through our values (Collaboration, Respect, Inspiration and Nurture) we want all our young people to be valued, visible and fully included in our curriculum and community.
The THRIVE approach is promoted to support children’s emotional development and well being.
Pupil voice is given a high profile and facilitates its influence upon the work of the schools.
Support provided for attendance promoting excellent school attendance for all.
The Trust will ensure that all DSLs are provided with the offer of supervision for safeguarding.
All heads are nurtured through 6 hours of professional coaching from external providers.
Key benefits of being part of Arden Forest MAT
Increased leadership opportunities across schools
Robust systems that are linked together
Reduced work load and improved well-being as a result of collaborative working
Opportunities to observe teaching and share practice
MAT wide expertise e.g. supporting children with specific needs; managing complaints
Flex approach to ‘category’ schools
The Trust may require non-negotiables for schools in a category. These include specific strategies for:
engaging and motivating children to learn;
processes for improving teaching and learning;
specific models for monitoring progress.
The Arden Forest C of E Multi Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 08248830 Registered Office: St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith’s Road, Alcester, B49 6AG
St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith's Road, Alcester, B49 6AG