Contact Details
- 01789 713233
St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith's Road, Alcester, B49 6AG
We are very proud of all of our staff across the MAT but it's always exciting to have their skills and commitment recognised by others. A huge 'Congratulations' then to Mrs Grier at The Ferncumbe C of E Primary School who has won a Primary Science Teacher Award 2024! We have seen some inspirational science lessons and visits taking place at The Ferncumbe inspiring a new generation of scientists, so this is well deserved.
The Arden Forest C of E Multi Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 08248830 Registered Office: St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith’s Road, Alcester, B49 6AG
St Nicholas Primary School, St Faith's Road, Alcester, B49 6AG